
  • Australian Trade Mark


    Before Applying

    Before applying please ensure:

    1. if the Applicant is a company, you have your ACN or ABN available.
    2. if your trade mark is a logo, you have a file in one of the following formats – GIF (.gif), TIFF (.tif), BMP (.bmp), PNG (.png), and JPEG (.jpg or .jpeg).

    (max file size 300 KB)

    Trade Mark (if includes an image logo, graphic or is stylised) description

    For example:

    If your trade mark consists of an image you will need to provide us with a file attachment. Please note the following important information regarding file attachments:
    Accepted file types are GIF (.gif), TIFF (.tif), BMP (.bmp), PNG (.png), and JPEG (.jpg or .jpeg). Animated GIF files are not supported.

    Please ensure there are no spaces in the file name.
    Due to system constraints, file attachments are limited to a maximum of 8Mb.
    We recommend a minimum image size of 227 x 227 pixels (approximately 8 x 8 cm) to ensure that the features of the trade mark can be clearly identified.
    If your trade mark requires more than one file to be represented, these should be zipped in a single file. If it is important that your zipped files are presented in a specific order, the file names should commence with a number to indicate the sequence.


    Legal Fees (first class*) $475.00
    GST $47.50
    Gov’t charges (per class**) $250.00
    Total $772.50

    *any additional classes you require will be invoiced separately – $275 per class.
    **if we can use trade mark ‘pick list’ to describe goods/services, if not $400.

    SKU: atm1 Category:

  • Trade Mark R Us
    Level 15, Grosvenor Place
    225 George Street
    Sydney NSW 2000 Australia

    Phone: 0411 217 184 / 02 9362 9019
    Email: info@trademarksrus.com.au

    Member of the Law Society of NSW, Australia No. 7408.
    This website and legal services are provided by Trade Marks R Us Lawyers.
    Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.
    ™‘Trade Marks R Us’ and logo are the trademarks of Legal Logics Pty Limited ACN 097 614 554 used under license. All other trademarks and copyrights referred to in this website are the property of their respective owners.